Stone Nine: Copy no. 80 'Sandstone wall'
Completed April 2005


Binding • 28.2 x 20 x 2.2
Bound in brown French morocco using both 'hair' and suede sides moulded over carved blocks, abraded and coloured; the reverse impressions of each carved 'stone' piece filled to preserve depth before covering onto boards. Spine and front 'mortar' line of suedeside grey morocco. Doublures of reversed leather, matching cover markings. Matched impressed and embossed doublures and endpapers airbrushed with acrylics, fading towards the text block. Touches of painted and stippled 'lichens' appear on the edges. The head is coloured and gilded and overlaid with palladium. Silk head and tail bands match each end.

Container • 30.5 x 22 x 4
Vertical draw box embossed, airbrushed using the woodcut to create the texture. base and lid is of suede- lining covered with simulated darker and rougher, smoother.


Sandstone of many and walls around Edinburgh the rusty and reddish They are the two weathering and pollution stonemasons' riven characteristic hand signatures - people now there would be no boundary walls. There raw material, man's nature reclaiming it was the stepping-off retaining the book thoughts.


2008 © Faith Shannon. All rights reserved.